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2024 Coaches Contact List (Grand Slam to 18U)

Click here for Coaches Contact List (updated June 6, 2024)


Coach Certification instructions and FAQ

What do I need to coach a certain level?
This site explains every level.
What level of certification do I already have?
Go to the site below 
login to your account by clicking member sign in  
once signed in click status and it will show all levels completed. This page also allows you to register for clinics. 
How do I get started if I have never taken a clinic before?
Go to the site below 
click on register and create an account
Register for Coach initiation in Sport online clinic and complete it
Register for Coach initiation in Baseball clinic and complete it
Register for initiation Coach clinic. 
How do I register for Respect inSport, find my Respect in Sport number or see if my number is still current (it must be redone every 5 years). 
Go to the site below and follow the cues
For more information go to www.baseballmanitoba.ca and click on the coaching tab.